
Yes, it’s Sunday now. I wanted to get that 6 Week Challenge post out yesterday however (and don’t really fancy posting twice in one day), so consider this a ‘Song on Sunday’ instead!

February I’m going to be looking at songs in Mandarin – and I’m starting off with this one my lecturer showed us in second year. In simplified Chinese, the title is: 对面的女孩看过来, but the song comes from Taiwan so the lyrics are written in traditional characters. However, the guy who sings it has a pretty clear voice, so it shouldn’t be too hard to follow. (If you’re studying simplified characters; of course if you’re studying traditional ones, then no worries!)

So, the lyrics:


對面的女孩看過來 看過來 看過來
這裡的表演很精彩 請不要假裝不理不睬
對面的女孩看過來 看過來 看過來
不要被我的樣子嚇壞 其實我很可愛

寂寞男孩的悲哀 說出來 誰明白
求求你拋個媚眼過來 哄哄我 逗我樂開懷

我左看右看 上看下看 原來每個女孩都不簡單
我想了又想 猜了又猜 女孩們的心事還真奇怪

寂寞男孩的蒼蠅拍 左拍拍 右拍拍
為甚麼還是沒人來愛 無人問津 真無奈
對面的女孩看過來 看過來 看過來
寂寞男孩情竇初開 需要你給我一點愛

This song is really catchy (I found it on youtube by typing in the words ‘kan guo lai’ and I haven’t listened to it for two years!), and should be a fun one to sing along to, so enjoy! 😉

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