Monday Motivation: Test Your Language Level

So I was over on tumblr (side note: I have a language tumblr that gets updated way more often than this blog!) and someone posted a link to this website, where you can test your language level.

You can only test for English, Spanish, French or German. I did German and got C1 – but there have been natives saying they only got B2, so take the results with a pinch of salt, because it’s very much dependent on the questions you get too.

This site has motivated me mostly because although the results aren’t terribly accurate, I figure my level should be around C1 now anyway, so that’s nice to see. Plus, for the Super Challenge so far (and in most of my German reading so far) I’ve been reading translated versions of native English works; so I’ve decided that after I finish reading The Hunger Games trilogy, I’m going to find a book that was originally written in German to read. It’s not going to be anything too strenuous, probably something from Cornelia Funke, but it’ll be nice to give it a go.

Anyone else feeling motivated at the beginning of this new week? Let me know! 🙂

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