My 2020 Language Goals

Last week I shared a rather ambitious project I plan to see through 2020, but those goals didn’t include the languages I’m already studying. So, this post—my final one of 2019—is me laying out my plans for the next year;…

Clear the List: December 2019

Whelp, my October ‘resolutions’ didn’t last long, so I’ve decided to go back to a tried-and-true method of keeping myself on track: Clear the List! November’s been a busy month, so I’m hoping to slow down in December, but I’m…

锦绣未央 : 第一集 / The Princess Weiyoung E01

In my attempts to complete the listening part of the Super Challenge, I’ve attempted a lot of different TV shows and films. I generally like TV more because it’s easier to get into—episodes aren’t as long as films and there…

100 Days Left of 2019! 😱

There are only 100 days left in 2019, whaaat?! That in mind, I thought it might be a good idea to set myself some goals for my language learning—though I’m going to have to watch out for how busy this…

My Language Learning Hitlist

After reading a bunch of articles about hyperpolyglots this past week (for work, too!), it got me to thinking about the languages I’d really like to have a good grasp of one day. So, I put together a list and,…