Tag book

Kind 44 #001 | Die arme Katze!

Hey guys! Alright, so if you’ve been around the blog you might have noticed I posted that I was going to read Kind 44 (Child 44) back in July… and then I really didn’t post much all summer, much less keep up…

Die Bestimmung: Kapitel 37-39

If you’re not sure what’s going on in this post, read the introduction here. If you want the vocabulary I’ve collected from the book, you can go through it on memrise here. Otherwise, enjoy! (Obviously, there are also spoilers for…

Die Bestimmung: Kapitel 34-36

If you’re not sure what’s going on in this post, read the introduction here. If you want the vocabulary I’ve collected from the book, you can go through it on memrise here. Otherwise, enjoy! (Obviously, there are also spoilers for…

Die Bestimmung: Kapitel 31-33

If you’re not sure what’s going on in this post, read the introduction here. If you want the vocabulary I’ve collected from the book, you can go through it on memrise here. Otherwise, enjoy! (Obviously, there are also spoilers for…