Tag learn a language

Clear the List: December 2019

Whelp, my October ‘resolutions’ didn’t last long, so I’ve decided to go back to a tried-and-true method of keeping myself on track: Clear the List! November’s been a busy month, so I’m hoping to slow down in December, but I’m…

锦绣未央 : 第一集 / The Princess Weiyoung E01

In my attempts to complete the listening part of the Super Challenge, I’ve attempted a lot of different TV shows and films. I generally like TV more because it’s easier to get into—episodes aren’t as long as films and there…

My Language Learning Hitlist

After reading a bunch of articles about hyperpolyglots this past week (for work, too!), it got me to thinking about the languages I’d really like to have a good grasp of one day. So, I put together a list and,…

Clear the List: November 2017

Hello, everyone! I’m back (again) and am ready for some studying and blogging this November. It seems like a good idea to find some indoor activities, since it’s getting so cold and dark out! It’s been a while since I’ve…