October Review… And Some New Goals!

I had a slow summer in terms of language learning – like many of you, I’m sure. But things picked up a little in October as I began to find a balance between studying and spending time writing as well…
I had a slow summer in terms of language learning – like many of you, I’m sure. But things picked up a little in October as I began to find a balance between studying and spending time writing as well…
Last week I shared a rather ambitious project I plan to see through 2020, but those goals didn’t include the languages I’m already studying. So, this post—my final one of 2019—is me laying out my plans for the next year;…
There are only 100 days left in 2019, whaaat?! That in mind, I thought it might be a good idea to set myself some goals for my language learning—though I’m going to have to watch out for how busy this…
Hey everyone! So I’m currently at the end of a nice (well-deserved, if I do say so myself!) long week off work—and though I didn’t hit all of my goals this past week, I did manage some, as well as…
Okay, I’m back today for another fun goals post—don’t worry, the blog is going to have a little more about it come February. I’m going to do a quick look at last week’s goals (and whether I achieved them), then…
Well, July is over and apparently we’re well and truly into summer now (not that the weather here is proving it right now). Since we’re almost a week into August, I thought it might be a good idea to look…
So there’s a Maximise Your Month Linkup going on over at Lindsay Does Languages, and I thought, since my crazy June (finishing work, moving home, starting my new job, finding out about my next job, trying to see all the…