Tag Language

Maximise Your Month: July 2015

So there’s a Maximise Your Month Linkup going on over at Lindsay Does Languages, and I thought, since my crazy June (finishing work, moving home, starting my new job, finding out about my next job, trying to see all the…

Die Bestimmung: Kapitel 22-24

If you’re not sure what’s going on in this post, read the introduction here. If you want the vocabulary I’ve collected from the book, you can go through it on memrise here. Otherwise, enjoy! (Obviously, there are also spoilers for…

#FlashSticksFriday – Review

My first ever review, yay! So at the beginning of January, someone from the company FlashSticks contacted me and asked me what I knew about their product and said they’d seen my blog and would I be interested in writing…

So, I have to confess…

Right, so I’ve just spent the past three days in Munich – which was fun for so many reasons – and I’ve been using my German, we went sightseeing, etc., but then on the four-hour train ride back to Vienna…